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About Us

Collaboration is at the heart of advancing health and wellness. By partnering with international experts, Prism Healing Centre can share best practices, and knowledge, while addressing the diverse health needs of the communities around the globe. This collaborative approach allows for a holistic and comprehensive approach to well-being leading to a healthier and happier world for all.

Welcome to a new circle of care.  

I am expanding the services at the Prism Healing Centre to strengthen the healing and wellbeing for our patients and clients by creating an environment of interconnected care.  If you are someone who is dedicated to inter-professional collaboration and looking for a unique and intimate environment to expand your practice within, please contact me as I would love to meet you. 

About Me
Chantell Tunney
Chantell Lamondin (Tunney), HOM, DSHM, C.Ht., MNLP, RHC
  • Registered Homeopath (Member of the College of Homeopaths of Ontario)  Reg#15688

  • Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (Accredited by International Hypnosis Federation & National Guild of Hypnotists)

  • Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner 

  • Certified and Licensed Master Health Coach (Canadian Health Coach Alliance)

  • Certified Past Life Regression & Memory Continuum DNA Transformation 

  • Personal & Spiritual Growth Counselling

  • Reiki Master & Trainer

  • Yoga & Meditation Instructor

Welcome, Bienvenue, Miigwetch.


With almost 25 years of clinical experience in health and mental wellness, I opened the Prism Healing Centre to be a place of healing, belonging, and education.


Beginning in my early days as a Homeopath I have continued to specialize in root cause healing of disease and trauma, working with nature and neurology as medicines, teachers, and healers. I am a Registered Homeopath with the College of Homeopaths of Ontario with a special interest in auto-immune diseases and cancer.


As a board-certified clinical Hypnotherapist, Master NLP Practitioner, and meditation teacher I integrate a variety of tools and techniques to release the negative emotions and past experiences that keep us stuck.  Health is more than our minds and much more than our bodies. Feeling whole is a way of life that liberates us all into the abundance of possibility. 


I genuinely love what I do and feel blessed to live my life on this path of service and connection. Blessings and gratitude to all the teachers, elders, and healers who have blessed me with love, mentorship, advice, and encouragement over the many years of healing and continued learning. 


May peace, ease, and bright light find you in every step. 




Click here for Client Testimonials and Google Reviews


Contact me directly at 905-333-5515 or

About Me
Yovanna More
Yovanna Moré, B.A., CCH, MNLP
 Visiting Certified Consulting Hypnotist
  • Psychology and Sociology, B.A.

  • Certified Consulting Hypnotist (Accredited by The National Guild of Hypnotists)

  • Certified Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner

  • Certified Past Life Regression & Memory Continuum DNA Transformation

  • Certified Master Life Coach 

  • Reiki Master

  • Spiritual Healer

  • Certified Tibetan Sound Bowl Healer

With decades of experience helping individuals conquer their healing journeys, Yovanna Moré’s clients consider her a pivotal figure in releasing their trauma. An expert in Root Cause Hypnosis and Spiritual Hypnosis, Yovanna is a master in untethering individuals from their trauma. She combines all her acquired modalities to tailor all her sessions to specific client needs, ensuring the total release of trauma, negative emotions, and limiting beliefs.


Yovanna is also well known for her Healthy Eating Weight Release program, where she utilizes her skills to restructure your perspective of food to achieve a healthier weight and lifestyle. This program is not a diet but a reformation of your relationship with food that releases your body of toxic cravings, like sugar and junk food, and replaces them with healthy eating habits. The Healthy Eating Weight Release program with Mind’s Eye Hypnosis enables you to release unwanted weight and keep it off long term.


Before becoming a hypnotist, Yovanna served her community as a social worker and counselor for women and children, those suffering from substance use disorder, domestic violence survivors, and other at-risk populations. Yovanna was driven to become a hypnotist after suffering a traumatic relationship break. Following the break, Yovanna entered a severe depressive state that left her physically ill.  She sought every mental health modality available to her with no success. She was then referred to a hypnotist's office, and those sessions saved her life. After being released from the grip of depression by hypnosis, she trained to become one and opened Mind’s Eye Hypnosis in Simsbury, CT, US, so that she may help others the same way hypnosis helped her.


Yovanna is also a skilled spiritual healer who incorporates spirituality into her work. She serves her clients as a Spiritual Coach and Teacher via her Path for Discovery courses, which combine hypnosis, spiritual coaching, and life coaching to connect the individual with their most divine energy. Additionally, Yovanna is also intuitive and provides spiritual readings. 


For more information on Mind's Eye Hypnosis and to read what clients have to say, click here

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